Thursday 19 May 2016

Planning a trip (Bo Moller)

1. On the fifth of July I'm going to Holland with my friend  Nuria. We're going to stay there for one week and we're going to be at my grandparents house.

2. Hello! We both are having a lot of fun here, we have been here for two days. The first day we visited  a cheese museum in a village called Bodegraven. There we made our own cheese and we learned how to milk a cow. The second day we went to a big field with cows and there we played golf. We stayed there the whole day and later, at six o'clock we went to have dinner in a restaurant. These four last days we're going to a museum of biology, we're going on a trip to a birds park called Afifauna and the last two days we're going shopping in Amsterdam .
.We are having lots of fun!
This is a picture of the mueseum where we went, it was very nice and we would like to go there again!

This is the field where we played golf and had a lot of fun! We were a little bit scared of the cows but we had a nice day.

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Hawaii (Silvia González)

Next weekend I'm travelling to Hawaii. I'm very excited because I  have always wanted to go there.
I'll put a lot of clothes into my suitcase to wear different outfits each day.
Hello, I'm writing from Hawaii.
 It is a beautiful and amazing place. I love the people here, they are very friendly. I visited a couple of very famous beaches and restaurants where I have eaten really good food and I've tried a typical dish called Bulgogi , it was very spicy but very tasty.

Now I'm back in Mallorca, my holidays were great, I met lots of  people and visited beautiful and magical places. I have learnt lots of new things there and I have definitely fallen in love with the typical dance in Hawaii called Hula.

Resultat d'imatges de puntos turisticos hawaii 

London (Biel Martínez-Fortún)


Last week I took a flight to London, now I'm here. On Monday I went to see the Palace of Westminster, it was huge and amazing!

On Tuesday I went to Westminster Abbey, which is the oldest and most famous London temple. Built over several centuries it has hosted famous events.

On Wednesday I went to see The Tower of London and I saw the Crown Jewels, they were beautiful.

On Wednesday I 'm planning to visit  St. Paul's cathedral ,I am really interested in the visit because people say it's awesome.

On Friday, I'll definetely go to see the  Big Ben, I am really looking forward to go there.
After  that I'll go back to Mallorca.

Sunday 15 May 2016



In September I 'm planning to go to France, I'll  spend three days in Paris and four in Eurodisney. I'm going with my father, my mother and my sister and, also, with some friends. I am very happy and excited to visit those places. I will try to see all the monuments and possible places, especially, I want to enjoy this trip that is very special because I have never left Spain.


Hello from Paris! I'm going to be here for a week. Yesterday we took a boat down the river Seine. We have already visited Notre Dame and the Louvre Museum Square where there were many pigeons. We have also climbed up  the Eiffel Tower, and from the top the wiews os Paris are beautiful, we have also seen the Palace of Versailles and its gardens and the Montmartre district.

Tomorrow we are going to visit Eurodisney, we will spend two days visiting the park  and  two days we visiting the Disney Studios. We are going to see lots of famous Disney characters and I'm really looking forward to go for a ride on the different attractions.

See you soon,



Hello! I have just arrived at Mallorca and I'm a little bit  tired of the trip but we had a great time  in France and I'm also as little bit sad because the trip is over. It has been an unforgettable and amazing trip that I will always remember.

These are some of the photos of my trip:


By the Seine river.

 The gardens of the Palace of Versailles.
The Eiffel Tower.

With the pigeons in the Louvre Museum Square.
 In Eurodisney with Micky Mouse.
 In Walt Disney Studios.
 The castle of Sleeping Beauty.
The parade of  some of the most famous Disney characters.


My plans

Next month on the 23rd, I'm going to Mexico for two weeks. I'm going by plane. The journey will take 9 hours. I'm going to stay in the Costa Caribe hotel with my brother, my mum, my father and my grandmother. It is going to be  a unique and unforgettable experience because we are going to see things that we don't see every day, for example sharks and  giant waves... We are going to try  surfing and we are planning to do more activities...
It is going to be a great adventure!

My postcard

Hi people!

I've been here for one week and we have done a lot of things.
The first day, after we arrived, we were so tired  that we have to rest in the hotel and after having a rest,  in the evening, we went to the beach and we were at a beach bar and tried very good cocktails.
A few days ago  we went surfing and we went swimming with sharks, I was very scared because I tought ther were going to attack met, but the didn't! it has been an incredible experience. 

The next days we are going to explore the rest of Mexico People here are very friendly. If I could I would spend the rest of my life here   ... I really like life in the Caribbean
The next week  I'm sure we are going to live more  exciting experiences .

See you soon,


Back home

I'm finally back to Mallorca, I have a beautiful suntan and I had a wonderful time with  my family these two weeks. I'm back with more joy than ever, and I hope to return soon. I love it!

 The beach

Hotel Costa Caribe, (four stars ****)

Friday 13 May 2016

PLAN A TRIP (By Xisco Freixas)


This summer I' m going to London with a friend. We are going  to spend  two weeks there , since  5th of July until 19th.  I ' m a bit nervous because I have always wanted to go there but I have never had an opportunity. I hope I'll learn a lot of English and meet new friends. I want to visit all the monuments and enjoy this experience a lot!


Hi to everybody!

I have been here for a week  and I have met a lot of people from different countries like China, Italy or Brazil.  I have visited the Big Ben and the Madame Tussauds Museum and I  loved them. Also I have eaten a lot of fish and chips but I didn't like it so much.

I think that I am improving my level of English because I speak  with different people all the time, although I sometimes have some problems to communicate quite a few  people. I hope that the following week will be better than this.

See you soon,



Hello! I have just arrived at Mallorca. I 'm very tired but I have to say that it has been a good experience that I will never forget. I have met incredible people and I have learnt a lot. I recommend it to you because if you visit that city it, you will enjoy a lot and have a good time.

These are my favourites pictures of the trip!


My favourite website is Youtube because it is video sharing web site  where you can upload different videos  and  you can also watch them. You can also create your own folder with your favourite videos and series. 
On the other hand, You tube can be an inappropiate website because it has spectators of different ages and there are lots of videos that children shouldn't watch.

SPOK (By Xisco Freixas )

Once upon a time, there was a dog called Spok who always played with its owner Sam. When they played, Sam always threw it a ball and Spok always brought him a stick. Sam couldn't understand this behaviour  until one day, he decided to throw it a stick, but that day Spok brought him a ball.

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Short story (By Silvia González)

There was once a Chinese child born in Spain. Everyone thought he was Chinese, but he wasn't. He was born in Spain. One day he decided to open his eyes and finally awoke from his big nightmare.

Thursday 5 May 2016

A small lucky break! (Lydia Reales)

Hello, my name is Laila and probably I am not as you imagine me, I have no legs, no arms, I have long hair and a tail, in fact, I'm a dog and I'm here to tell you my story not to make the same mistakes as my owner:
I was happy before, until they abandoned me. Since that moment I lived on the street looking for food in the bins and being invisible to everybody, but one day a man rescued me, he took me to a place to wash me and after a while I was with a beautiful little girl named Luna who loves me. I had a small lucky break!

Tuesday 3 May 2016

Tumblr (Lili Semley)

My favourite website is Tumblr, it is a social media website where people post funny or creative posts. There are overall three kinds of Tumblr users: the joke kind, the artistic kind and the fan kind.
The website is overall amazing, with great posts and (once you get the hang of it) an easy system to use. Although, like anything, it has it's downfalls, such as the community and how they steal artwork and posts, and post them as their own and also hate comments.
My favourite part of Tumblr is seeing what people have made and looking at posts to do with my favourite artists, bands and youtubers. The other things I like are it's amount of beautiful art and creative stuff you can find on there, and the amount of variety there is in comparison to other websites and apps:
I recommend for everyone to use Tumblr, although you may need a few weeks to learn how to use it! Because I found it complicated at first.

MY TRIP TO JAPAN! (Lili Semley)


Hey guys, I'm planning a trip to Japan! I'm only going for a week but I'm planning on going to Tokyo and various places in it and around it, such as the Fuji mountain, Takeshita street and many more.

I'm so excited as I've wanted to go for so long! And I can't believe I'm going with one of my best friends, Carlos...

I'll be sure to post something while I'm there and keep you updated.

See you soon,


Hello everyone from Japan! We're having so much fun!

It's so beautiful here, the colours, the things... I love it so much.

It's hard to find things here, but thankfully Carlos knows two people that live here, so they're showing us around.

Yesterday we went to the Fuji mountain had black ice cream and today we took the train to Yoyogi park and we visited the Meiji Jingu shrine. You can make wishes at the temple and me and Carlos made some, by writing it on a small bit of wood and hanging it up. It was really cool.
Tomorrow we're going to Harajuku street and we're visiting the pokemon centre and all the shops!!
 I'm having so much fun, I never want to go home!

Wish you were here. I'll post all of the photos I've taken when I get back to Mallorca.


I'm finally back in Mallorca so now I can show you all of the photos:

The first two are from our day trip to Fuji.

This was the view from the bottom of the mountain, it was so so pretty and I loved the pastel colours.

The next photo is of the black ice cream
 I had at  the top of the mountain. It was strangely delicious!

The next photos are from Yoyogi park. The park was also beautiful and full of nice colours.

The shrine and our wishes:
And the next pictures are from our last day, when we went shopping.
The streets and shops:

 And my favourite place, the pokemon centre!

I hope you enjoyed the pictures! I had such a great time and I recommend for everyone to go soon...

Thank you for reading my posts. See you really soon. Bye!


New York 2016. (Hilda Arias)

1.Next Friday 6th of May, I'm going to New York for one week.I'm going with all my family and some friends. We are going by plane. The journey will take about 8 hours...
We are going to visit the main places; The Empire State, Central Park, Time Square, Broadway,5th avenue...

2. Hi people!
We arrived to NY three days ago! This place is AMAZING, I don't have enough words to describe it!
We went to the top of The Empire State, the view  was incredible! I want to live up there!
Next day (Saturday Morning) we went to Central Park, there are lots of squirols and they are so cute!!!The park is huge and so beautiful....
At night we went to a great restaurant and it was delicious!!
Next day(Sunday Morning) We were exploring New York and we still! When I come back,I'll show you some photos.
3.Here you can see some pictures of my trip to NY:



There was a big family that had to move because they had economical problems. In the family they were father, mother, and three kids, two boys and a girl. The girl was very scared of her new house because she saw a ghost. Her parents looked for a solution, but finally it was the spirit of an old lady that had lived there before.

The dome (Yannick Esteve)

They were once controlled by the above world. Nobody knew them, buy they were controlling the last day left.Then  people realized there was a dome around the world, and they could never escape.
