Thursday 2 June 2016

Planning a trip by Manu Gomila


Part 1: My expectations

Hello everyone, i'm planning a trip to Africa! My family and I want to stay about two weeks, we want to visit Kenya and Tanzania and the Norongoro of course.

I'll be posting pictures through all the trip and keeping you updated.

Bye see you later, Manu.

Part 2: My postcard

Hello, we have already arrived to Kenya! Its so exciting, I already saw many animals as lions, elephants, cocodriles…

Thankfully we have a guide man that shows us everything and takes us to the safaris becouse, here in Africa they speak "suajili", its a very complicated lenguage but Antonio (our guide) knows how to speak it.

Tomorrow we will go to the Norongoro, its a unactive volcano where the Lion King film is based on,they told us there is also a elephant graveyard, where the old elephants go to die.

Next week we will go to Tanzania where there is the biggest concentration of lion of all the world!

Im having a great time! I dont want to go!
See you soon, Manu.

Part 3: Back home

I'm already back to Mallorca!

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