Saturday 18 June 2016

Planning a trip (Yannick Esteve)


1 Next week I'm going to Indonesia with my friend James.We're going there for two weeks and we're going to surf a lot.We're going to stay in a pro surfer house.

2 Hi from Indonesia! This place is amazing! Me and James are enjoying the good waves in this paradise.We met a lot of pro surfers here and now we´re going to take part in a competition of Billabong (big brand of surf).The food here is delicious and the people is very happy.The waves here are amazing I did a lot of tricks and turns and that things in Mallorca are imposible to do.The pro surfer taught me some new tips to improve my technique.

3 Hi from Mallorca! The travel takes a lot of hours but worths.Indonesia is my second house now, I like it so much! This travel was the most important travel in my life, an awesome experience!


Tuesday 14 June 2016


Twitter is a service of microblogging and it was created in California.
I use it to write my reflections and my thoughts.I like it because I see the opinions of all my friends.
You can upload photos and videos too.
Twitter is available for the computer, ipad, and the phone.
The disadvantage is that everyone can write hints that you don't like in their profiles and this is a little bit anoying.

Monday 13 June 2016

SHORT STORY (Biel Martínez-Fortún Bujosa)

He was tired of walking on the skin of nostalgia, he was near that dirty street in the old village, and then his eyes rested on what looked like a rusty broom. He approached it, recognizing it instantly. They  met again at last, thought the old nostalgic man. 
A girl playing nearby, seeing the scene  said, without thinking: Get on it and fly away. The elderly, remembering and obeying his instincts and the girl, rose, flew away  and disappeared.

Mummy ( by Carlos Walinski)

Today, my sister and I had a car accident.  I came out of it with just a cut over my eye, but my sister fell into a coma.  The doctor said that  if she doesn’t wake up soon his chances of a full recovery  will greatly decrease.  An hour ago she opened her eyes and said a word I thought I’d never hear again, “Mommy.”

Dreams (Alex Feliu)

I had a dream. I dreamt that I couldn't dream. How could this hapen? It is only a dream. I know I can dream. But I can't.

Sudenly, I realized the  truth. This isn't real. It's only a dream where I dream that I´m telling you about my dream in which I can't dream.

Thursday 2 June 2016

Planning a trip by Manu Gomila


Part 1: My expectations

Hello everyone, i'm planning a trip to Africa! My family and I want to stay about two weeks, we want to visit Kenya and Tanzania and the Norongoro of course.

I'll be posting pictures through all the trip and keeping you updated.

Bye see you later, Manu.

Part 2: My postcard

Hello, we have already arrived to Kenya! Its so exciting, I already saw many animals as lions, elephants, cocodriles…

Thankfully we have a guide man that shows us everything and takes us to the safaris becouse, here in Africa they speak "suajili", its a very complicated lenguage but Antonio (our guide) knows how to speak it.

Tomorrow we will go to the Norongoro, its a unactive volcano where the Lion King film is based on,they told us there is also a elephant graveyard, where the old elephants go to die.

Next week we will go to Tanzania where there is the biggest concentration of lion of all the world!

Im having a great time! I dont want to go!
See you soon, Manu.

Part 3: Back home

I'm already back to Mallorca!

Instagram (by Manu Gomila)

Instagram is a website to upload your photos and share them with your friends.
One of the things i like about this application is that everyone can coment and like your pictures, however it has disadvantages too,everyone can gossip your account without being your friend.

Instagram is available for mobile phone , ipad , and even computer!

The company of instagram has recently changed their logo.

Planning a trip (Ainhoa Faricle)

Hello! I'm going on holiday to Turkey with my family for two weeks. I'm going to visit Estambul and other cities around it.
Hi! I'm in Turkey, I have been here for a week. Today I visited Ayasofia (Santa Sofia) It's wonderful.

Yesterday I ate lentil soup and for dessert, baklava (with pistachio puff pastry and syrup) at my

aunt house

And last week I visited the Big Bazaarthere are so many things!

Tomorrow we are going to Sultanahmet ("Blue Mosque"), they say it is very nice. See you soon!